Faculty Profile for Dr. Edna C Alfaro

Dr. Edna C Alfaro
Professor — School of Family & Consumer Sciences
FCS 111
phone: (512) 245-2412
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Jones, S. K., Killoren, S. E., Kline, G. C., & Alfaro, E. C. (2022). Mexican-origin college students’ stress, sibling relationships, academic motivation, and depressive symptoms. Journal of Family Issues, 43(2). Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X21994135
- Alfaro, E. C. (2020). Communication frequency and types of supportive messages: A mixed methods approach to examining Mexican-origin college students’ relationships with mothers and fathers. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 9, 52–68. https://doi.org/10.1177/1538192718772663
- Seo, E., Shen, Y., & Alfaro, E. C. (2019). Adolescents’ beliefs about math ability and their relations to STEM career attainment: Joint consideration of race/ethnicity and gender. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(2), 306–325. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-018-0911-9
- Seo, E., Lee, Y., Steingut, R. S., Alfaro, E. C., & Lee, K. (2024). Testing the generalizability of the multiplicative effects of expectancy and value across different ages, genders, and races. Learning and Individual Differences, 116, 102578. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2024.102578
- Gulseven, Z., Pierotti, S., Killoren, S. E., Alfaro, E. C., & Carlo, G. (2024). The role of maternal warmth in understanding the relations between cultural orientations and prosocial behaviors. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 12(3), 261–276. https://doi.org/10.1037/lat0000253
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor, Alpha Chi National College Honor Society. 2020
- Award / Honor Recipient: Teaching Acknowledgement from Graduating Undergraduate Student, Texas State University. 2020
- Award / Honor Recipient: Teaching Award of Honor during COVID-19 Crisis, Texas State Alumni Association. 2020
- Award / Honor Recipient: Transfer Student Appreciation of Campus Support, Texas State University. June 25, 2019
- Award / Honor Recipient: Graduating Undergraduate Student Recognition, Texas State University. 2015 - June 21, 2018
Selected Grants
- Shen, Yishan (Principal), Goble, Priscilla Maria (Co-Principal), Alfaro, Edna C (Co-Principal), Behnke, Andrew Owen (Co-Principal), Dier, Shannon Elizabeth (Co-Principal), Seo, Eunjin (Co-Principal), Weimer, Amy Ann (Co-Principal). Opportunities for Undergraduate Research in Human Development and Family Sciences (OUR HDFS): A Two-Track Training Program, Texas State University, $6000. (Submitted: July 2024, Funded: September 2024 - May 2025). Grant.
- Shen, Yishan (Principal), Goble, Priscilla Maria (Principal), Weimer, Amy Ann (Co-Principal), Alfaro, Edna C (Co-Principal), Seo, Eunjin (Co-Principal), Behnke, Andrew (Co-Principal). Opportunities for Undergraduate Research in Developmental Psychology (OUR DP) Fellowship Program, American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, $5000. (Submitted: October 2023, Funded: January 2024 - Present). Grant.
- Shen, Yishan (Principal), Goble, Priscilla Maria (Co-Principal), Weimer, Amy Ann (Co-Principal), Alfaro, Edna C (Co-Principal). Opportunities for Undergraduate Research in Human Development and Family Sciences (OUR HDFS) Fellowship, Texas State University, $5000. (Submitted: July 2022, Funded: September 2022 - May 2023). Grant.
- Shen, Yishan (Principal), Goble, Priscilla Maria (Co-Principal), Perez-Brena, Norma Judith (Co-Principal), Weimer, Amy Ann (Co-Principal), Alfaro, Edna C (Co-Principal), Bishop, Nicholas Joseph (Co-Principal). Opportunities for Undergraduate Research in Human Development and Family Sciences (OUR HDFS) Fellowship, Texas State University, $5000. (Submitted: June 11, 2021, Funded: September 2021 - May 2022). Grant.
- Alfaro, Edna C (Principal). Mexican-origin Student Success, Greater Texas Foundation, Other, $90000. (Funded: 2013 - 2017). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Program Coordinator
Human Development and Family Sciences Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Reviewer / Referee
Institute of Education Sciences, Review Panel
August 2019-2025
Program Vice President Elect
Texas Council on Family Relations
Texas Council on Family Relations Board Member
Child Life Committee