Faculty Profile for Dr. Ken Mix
Dr. Ken Mix
Professor — Department of Agricultural Sciences
AG 210
phone: (512) 245-6621
Selected Scholarly/Creative Work
- Tritsch, K., Mix, K., Edwards, M. L., & Piña Jr., M. (2022). Evaluating Success Factors and Challenges Among Small-Scale Agricultural Producers: A Texas Case Study. Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 37(3). https://doi.org/https://egrove.olemiss.edu/jrss/vol37/iss3/3
- Tritsch, K., Mix, K., Edwards, M. L., & Piña Jr., M. (2021). What Makes a Small Farm Successful? A Review of Success Factors, Needs, and Challenges. Journal of Extension, 59(2). https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.59.02.18
- Tritsch, K., Mix, K. D., Wagner, N., Sitienei, I., & Lankes, M. (2023). Challenges and Training Needs of Texas Small Producers: Results from 2017-2019 Needs Assessment Survey. Texas Journal Of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
- Tritsch, K., Mix, K. D., Edwards, M., & Pina, M. (2023). Perceptions of Texas Small-Scale Producers on Success, Challenges, and the Future of Agriculture. Journal of Rural Social Sciences.
- Mix, K. D., Rea, R. R., Islam, M. R., Rahman, M. M., & Nath, B. (2022). Growth, Nutrient Accumulation, and Drought Tolerance in Crop Plants with Silicon Application: A Review. Sustainability, 14((8)), 4525.
Selected Awards
- Award / Honor Recipient: MWI/CoSearch Team funding. April 1, 2019 - March 30, 2020
- Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor, Alpha Chi, Alfred H. Nolle Chapter. January 1, 2016 - December 1, 2016
- Award / Honor Recipient: Presidents Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2015
- Award / Honor Recipient: Presidential Award for Teaching Excellence, College of Applied Arts:. January 1, 2015 - December 1, 2015
- Award / Honor Recipient: Favorite Professor, Alpha Chi, Alfred H. Nolle Chapter. January 1, 2011 - December 1, 2011
Selected Grants
- Mix, Kenneth D (Principal). The Small Producer Initiative’s “Cover Cropping Research on Regenerative Soil Solutions, Education, Extension and Demonstration (RReSSEED)”, USDA-NRCS, Federal, $1000000. (Submitted: July 2021, Funded: October 2022 - September 2024). Grant.
- Racelis, Alexis (Principal), Drewery, Merritt L (Co-Principal), Mix, Kenneth D (Co-Principal), Gabler, Christoper (Co-Principal), Rugg, Savannah (Co-Principal), Baldillo, I (Co-Principal), Cantu, J. South Texas Agriculture Roadmap for Training, Research, Experiential Learning, and Careers (STARTREC) in Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources, USDA HSI Education Grants Program, Federal, $975314. (Submitted: January 2021, Funded: September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2025). Grant.
- Mix, Kenneth D (Principal), Omana Sudhakaran, Pratheesh O (Co-Principal). Small Producer Initiative's Agricultural Mentoring Program, USDA, Federal, $400000. (Funded: October 2020 - October 2023). Grant.
- Mix, Kenneth D, Schwinning, Susan, Benavides, Elizabeth Ashley, Drewery, Merritt L. Transdisciplinary Research, Educational and Extension Laboratory, USDA, Federal, $145616. (Submitted: October 2019, Funded: February 2020 - February 2023). Grant.
- Mix, Kenneth D (Co-Principal), Jensen, Jennifer (Principal). Methods to Reduce RoundUp Damage and Yield Suppression from Drift, Brock Consulting Group, $18000. (Funded: November 2015). Grant.
Selected Service Activities
Reviewer / Referee
Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) - Journal of Science and Technology (PUPJST)
August 2018-Present
Graduate - Undergraduate 102 Teaching and Research Laboratory
January 2018-Present
Curriculum Committee
College Curriculum Committee
Spring Career Development Event